Why use Cambered Bridges?

Cambering bridges improves their appearance. By being less straight they fit better into rural environments where there are very few straight lines.

The particularly attractive bridge above in Orston was supplied to a Local Community Group. They raised funds by selling a parapet spindle to each villager which had their names burned into them. The timber was Oak.

Many Clients like the “feel” of oak.

Designers love cambering bridges.

It has no impact on the installation


Cambering bridges also makes them marginally stiffer. This is partly by stressing the steel and partly due to the virtual increase in the effective depth of the beams

It can disguise differences in levels between banks.

A lot of people find them more attractive

The beams are rolled under immense pressure by specialists

Sadly, the cost of transport and the rolling costs, when cambering bridges add a significant sum to the project cost.

Beams can be formed from laminated timber. These were popular some years ago because of their low cost. They rotted in their scores. Usually they rotted at the ends due to the bearers becoming clogged with rubbish keeping the beam we. Often they rotted from the inside out and it was impossible to assess the degree of the rot

We recommend you are not seduced by this option. Your heirs and successors will curse you!